Steve Alan
Artist / Author


LABEL-lifeguardtower-newAll lifeguards in the little village of La Jolla (in San Diego) know that one spot above all others is the best assignment. Palm Point had the best view and the best shade.

Whenever they can, they try to get assigned to Palm Point. Here, as the sun begins its final descent, you can see the lifeguard house
situated on a sandy spot where the surfers gather.

The cool shade of the palms gives this place its name. A flock of pelicans roams over the waves looking for food as a sailboat, hugging the shoreline, makes it way back to port.

What you will learn in this picture:

  • The order of things (what to paint first, second, etc.)
  • How to paint palm trees
  • How to paint rocks
  • How to paint a lifeguard tower
  • How to paint a sailboat
  • How to paint birds
  • How to paint bushes
  • How to paint a setting sun on the ocean.
  • How to paint shadows
